Style the leading lady in you

Are you always confused? What to wear when? What color will look good on me? What type of clothes suits my body type? What makeup will look good with it? There is always a lot of tension in all this. Here is the key to look flawless by understanding your skin tone, undertone and body type.

If you like to do your own makeover and look flawless with confidence, it is time to get your basics right. Read this post to understand what we mean:


1) What is Body type? 
2) Why identifying your body type is important? 
3) Types of Body Types. 
4) How to identify your body type? 
5) How to dress for your body type?
6) What is skin tone? 
7) What is an undertone? 
8) Difference between skin tone and skin undertone. 
9) Types of skin tone. 
10) Types of skin undertone. 
11) How to determine your skin tone? 
12) How to determine your skin undertone. 
13) Why knowing your skin undertone matters? 
14) Styling according to your undertone.

1) What is Body type? 

A person's body type depends on the distribution of body muscles and fat. Body type can be changed if you have gained or lost weight or after pregnancy.

2) Why identifying your body type is important? 

Identifying our body type is very important. Most people don't know their body type In such cases getting the perfect outfit could be difficult and it could cause a lot of trouble. Understanding your body type is essential for choosing the appropriate clothing.

3) Types of Body Types.

1. Rectangle 

In the rectangle body type, women are tall and slender. The waist is not clearly, defined They don't have curves The upper body and bottom body of the rectangle body type are balanced.

2. Inverted Triangle Body type 

In Inverted Triangle body type women have wider shoulders than their hips. Their shoulder may be straight, squared. It looks like "V" shape.

3. Hour glass 

In this type of body type women's have wide chest- narrow and defined waist - wide hips. Their bust and hip sizes are almost equal. This makes the body appear like an hourglass shape.

4. Apple Body type 

Their back, breasts, stomach and upper body, which includes their middle and top body, carries, majority of their body weight, and it appears like an apple shape.

5. Pear shaped Body type 

In this body type women have wider Hips as compared to their shoulders. If your upper body is slimmer than your lower body then you have pear shaped body.

4) How to identify your body type? 

Choosing clothes which suits on your body characteristic can be made easier when you know your body type. Using measuring tape you can easily identify your body type. Start by taking your bust, waist and hip dimensions.

Follow the below steps to take accurate measurements:- 

Step 1: Getting Measurements You can wear only, a camisole or you can go completely bare and don't wear loose and baggy clothes. You can also wear fitting clothes like a tank top and some leggings. Now you can stand in In front of the mirror so you will know that, whether your measuring tape is in the correct location or not.

Step 2: Measure around your chest's widest point. Use a soft, flexible measuring tape. You should wrap a measuring tape around the highest point of your breast. Do not squeeze your breasts by pulling the measuring tape too tightly. Verify the number then note it. 

Step 3: Measure the area of your waist. Now wrap the tape around your waist which is above your belly button and measures in inches or centimeters. 

Step 4: Measure the widest part of your hips. Now wrap a tape around the highest point of your hip, and then note down the a measurements.

Identifying Your Body Shape

1. You are a pear shape if your hips are the largest of the three measurements, your bust and waist are the same height or your bust is smaller than your waist. 

 2. If your chest is bigger than your waist and hips, check to see if you're an inverted triangle. The shoulders are more comprehensive than the waist and hips in an inverted triangle. Athletic men and women tend to have this body type more frequently, but some individuals might naturally have it. 

 3. If your bust, waist, and hips are all in the same measurement, you can describe yourself as a rectangle. You probably have a rectangular shape.

4. If your waist is larger than your chest and hips, you are an apple shape. Some individuals with apple-shaped bodies also have thin hips and thighs. 

 5. If your waist is smaller than your chest and hips, think of yourself as an hourglass. The bust and hip sizes of hourglass shapes are typically comparable, while the waist measurement is notably smaller than the bust and hip.

5) How to dress for your body type? 

1. Styling The Rectangle 

In this body type, all your three measurements are equal to each other and you don't have curves. Your waist is not defined so you have to define your waist by breaking the rectangle. Choose fitted tops and you can wear off shoulder tops so your collar bones will be visible. You can tuck your shirt or top in your bottom so your waist will be defined. You can wear push-up bra. So it will define your lost bust You can wear top and bottom in different colors.

2. Styling The Inverted Triangle 

If your body type is an inverted triangle then your shoulders are wider than your hips. You always struggle with what kind of clothes suits you the best. So you have to show your shoulder slimmer, defined waist, and draw attention towards your hips. Wear dark colored top and a light-colored bottom so it will create the illusion that you have slim shoulders and it will add extra volume to your hips. You can wear wide waist belts so they can draw attention toward waist. Use v and u neck tops, avoid dramatic collar clothes it will add more volume in your shoulders. Wear flared skirts and trousers with wide leg so it will create illusion that you have wider hips.

3. Styling Hourglass Body Type 

In this body type, you already have a wider bust and hips and a well-defined waist. To find clothing that suits your hourglass figure, look for styles that accentuate your waist without adding extra volume around your hips. You can play around with different pieces to find outfits you love! Wear tops and dresses in which you can define your already-defined waist more. Try boat neck tops and scoop neck tops so you can flaunt your bust and collarbones. Wear waist belts and high waisted jeans so your waist will look more defined. Wear a short pencil skirt with a fitted top if wanted to show your legs.

4. Styling Pear-shaped Body Type 

In this body type, you will have wider hips and thighs but your upper body is slimmer so here you have to draw attention toward your shoulders and bust. Wear tops with bright colors and different prints and use solid color pants so you can draw anyone's attention towards your upper body. Wear a broad neckline such as scoop, sweetheart, and strapless. Wear scarves so they will add volume to your shoulders. Wear puff sleeves tops so they add volume to your upper body and create illusion that you have hourglass body type.

5. Styling Apple shaped Body Type 

If you have an apple-shaped body type then your shoulders, arms, bust, waist, thighs, and legs will be too heavy. You will have a full figure. Wear clothes which are a little flared around your waist. Draw attention away from your waist. You have fuller breasts so don't hesitate to flaunt them you can wear soft cleavage. You have great pair of legs so you can show off your legs. Wear blazers and long coats.

6) What is skin tone? 

 Skin tone is the top layer of our skin, it is prepared from the pigmentation of our skin. It is the color of our skin Like Dark, medium, light.

7) What is undertone? 

 Skin undertone is the innermost layer of our skin. It radiates from with in the skin.

8) Difference between skin tone and skin undertone? 

Skin tone is determined by the amount of melanin (skin pigment) present in the uppermost layer of your skin, whereas skin undertone is the subtle hue underneath the surface. our skin color/tone can be affected by the sun or the seasons. While skin undertones are not affected they are always remain same.

9) Types of skin tone: 

There 4 main types of skin tones are : Light Fair Medium Deep ( Dark)

10) The 3 main types of skin undertones are : 

Warm - Peach, Yellow, Golden yellow 

Cool - Pink, Red, Bluish 

Neutral - Same as skin tone

Some people are fair, some people are dark, and their skin has a pinkish , yellowish, pale , red tint to it, which reflected in their skin tone. People who have dark skin tone they have yellowish brown, red brown tint in their skin. People who have pinkish, red, pale, yellowish they have pinkish, red , pale , yellowish tint in their skin.

11) How to Determine your skin tone? 

While Each skin tone can have different complexions and your skin can be broken down into 'very light', 'very deep' etc. You can determine the broader type of tone through the following ways!

A. Examine your Jawline! 

This area is usually less affected by typical skin conditions, your Jawline is the best place to see your 'pure' unobstructed Surface Color. It can be a great area to get a sense of your true color.

B. Listen to what your friends Say 

If your friends say you're very fair!, Your skin tone is mostly light if they're always Pointing out how tan you look! you maybe medium. if you look Pale in winter, but tan in the summer, you may be deep.

C. Get a test done at your local beauty Store

In the past few years, many beauty Stores have started offering skin tonal foundation matching tests that you Can have done in less than 10 minutes. If you won't settle for anything less than a professional opinion, this is the method For you.

12) How to determine your skin undertone? 

Determining your undertone requires a little more work than your overtone. it's unfortunately more of a guessing game than with your Surface color, but we've got several accurate methods you can use. Try our recommendations and use the average of your results to confirm your undertone.

Test 1 - Vein Test 

Examine the color of your veins on the underside of your wrists. If your veins are blue or purple in color, you most probably have a cool undertone. If you have greenish veins, you have a warm undertone. If you are not sure which color is most evident in your veins, you are likely to have a neutral undertone.

Test 2 - Jewelry Test 

If silver jewelry looks flattering on your skin, you have a cool undertone. If gold jewelry looks flattering on your skin, you have a warm undertone. If both look flattering on you, you have a neutral undertone.

Test 3 - White Paper Test 

Hold a blank piece of white paper next to your face under the skin. If your skin appears more yellow, then you're probably warm. If your skin looks pinkish, then you're probably cool.

Test 4 - Sun Test 

Does your skin tan easily without any burning sensation when you are out in the sun? If yes, you have a warm or neutral undertone. Otherwise, you fall in the cool undertone category.

Test 5 - Color Test 

Check the color of your clothes against your skin and see which ones complement you. You have cool undertones if cool colors like the blue suit you. You have warm undertones if warm shades like yellow suit you. You have a neutral undertone if any and every shade suits you.

13) Why does Knowing your undertone matter? 

There are many combinations of undertones and skin tones, and knowing your undertone can help you pick the right. By knowing your skin undertone you can pick the right colored clothes to look your best. Warm tones can wear warm colors and cool tones can wear cool colors and neutral tones can wear both.

A. Clothes 

After you know your skin undertone, you can pick the right colored-clothes to look your best. Warm tones can wear warm colors and cool tones can wear cool colors.

B. Makeup 

Now that you’ve figured out your undertone, it is time to pick the right foundation, eyeshadow colors and lipsticks. Choose warm shades if you have warm undertones, and cool colors if you have cool undertones. This makes your makeup compliment your natural complexion.

C. Hair Color 

Warm skin tones should pick cool hair colors, while cool skin tones need to go for warm hair colors.


Whatever your body type, body shape, and skin tone keep in mind that all bodies are beautiful and appear in a variety of shapes and sizes. These are guidelines and not rules. They can steer you in the right direction, but sometimes you have to take a chance and try on an outfit and see how you feel in it. If you feel happy and comfortable, that’s the most important part of the outfit anyway.
